Welcome to Mahaffay Amplifiers !
About Mahaffay Amplfiers:
Founded by Tris Mahaffay , lead guitar player for the 1980's band The Original Striker. Mahaffay Amplifiers products are designed with the theory of "less is more". Extemely simple circuit design , getting your tone from the guitar pickup to the speaker, with no unnessasary complexity . But still including the important features like multi output, effects loops and simple low to high gain operation. Easy to use tone shaping. At Mahaffay Amps we strive to build the best amps and audio products possible and to serve our customers, suppliers and community with the spirit that made this American business great. ALL HAND MADE in the USA. Our web site is made for you and features information on our products, video demos, news and links to all of our other sites on the web. We have also added a feature called the "Artist Profile" a place where we feature great guitarists that use our products. Enjoy and let us know what you think!
Contact us
For any questions on our products including ordering instructions please send us an email below. We want to hear from you !
All amps feature two speaker outputs
All amps feature Line outs and effects loops
Mini package for true "Plexi" tone
"Legendary" A "must" for anyones collection
tThe Rotary Wave -Lightest Doppler speaker ever built
Hand wired point to point tube cicuits
Hand Made hand wired -in the USA
Real spring reverb pedal
Super Lightweight Cabinet solutions